Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Thanks for the advice Dad.

I've been an adult for a while now. Moved out and to a new town when I was 18, made some mistakes and taken my lumps here and there and now I've moved my way up the corporate ladder to where I'm in a pretty good place. A young man, 18 or so, came in and applied for a job today on the recommendation of his dad who is a friend of the owner. Under the 'position applying for' blank on the application he wrote "it don't matter".

The Advice - Upon getting my drivers license at age 16 and gaining my 1st glimpse at independance I went out and did what a lot of red blooded American teens do, I got 3 speeding tickets in about 2 weeks. (Dad, I don't know if you ever knew that) I then proceeded to seek employment at Wendy's so I could pay for these and try my best to not let my parents find out. Back in my school days I was known for NEVER wearing pants. By that I mean I always wore shorts. No matter how cold, there were probably a few years I never wore pants. Upon learning of my job interview at Wendy's my dad made me get a nice shirt and slacks to wear to the interview. Long before that he, along with my mom, had also taught me basic manners like refering to people as Sir or Maam until they they advise you to call them different and giving people a firm hand shake. I'll never forget my 1st interview with the owner of the local Wendy's, after arriving at the store in slacks and calling him sir I was offered the job, no questions asked. He told me that most teens did not dress up or show the ligthest sign of respect when going after a job and that my apperance and attitude reflected character. After that he was confident that the rest would take care of itself. That basic advice given by my parents has taken me a long way. In the several promotions I recieved at my previous job I was often questioned by other internal applicants as to why I showed up in a shirt and tie when everyone knows I wear shorts and jersey's to work. These same people also questioned me on how out of the 15 interviews I've ever had in my life that only twice have I not recieved the job or promotion I was seeking. In most cases for some unknown reason beating out people with more experience and qualifications than me.

This was by no means the only advice I recieved from my parents growing up but it's funny how some of the basics can carry you a long way!

Unfortunately, I think all my "it don't matter" positions are full right now.


Blogger Unknown said...

Seems like more parents should give that kind of advice more often...

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, and no, I never knew about the tickets. And I don't think my parents ever knew about your Aunt Bug's MIP ticket, either. I acted as her lawyer in court, and I won!!! But I seem to recall an off duty cop (or was he retired?) following you home one day on Foothills at a rather high rate of speed and telling me about it later. You were pretty miffed about that one, but maybe little tidbits like that will stick, too.

10:37 AM  

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